In all of human history, to my knowledge, no society has figured out how to keep the peaceful men while ridding itself of the violent men. Thus, to have any men is to have violent men, and to have violent men is to have chaos and horror.
Trying to determine which men need to go and which should stay sounds reasonable at first. That is, until we face up to the fact that we've tried that already for thousands of years, and it hasn't worked.
More precisely, it "worked" for thousands of years only because we didn't possess powerful enough tools to collapse the entire system. So if we were willing to endure the suffering, we could continue with the familiar. That era ended at Hiroshima. Or more accurately, it ended around the time I was born in 1952 when mass production of those weapons ramped up in earnest.
Who decides which men need to go?
In my theory, they all need to go. Here's why.
In all of human history, to my knowledge, no society has figured out how to keep the peaceful men while ridding itself of the violent men. Thus, to have any men is to have violent men, and to have violent men is to have chaos and horror.
Trying to determine which men need to go and which should stay sounds reasonable at first. That is, until we face up to the fact that we've tried that already for thousands of years, and it hasn't worked.
More precisely, it "worked" for thousands of years only because we didn't possess powerful enough tools to collapse the entire system. So if we were willing to endure the suffering, we could continue with the familiar. That era ended at Hiroshima. Or more accurately, it ended around the time I was born in 1952 when mass production of those weapons ramped up in earnest.