World Peace Is Possible - Part 7
Addressing common objections to the world without men concept.
Table Of Contents For This Article Series
So far in this article series about world peace we’ve wondered about a world without men, explored emotional engagement with violence, said the marriage between violent men and the knowledge explosion is unsustainable, claimed that violent men can’t be fixed, talked about human reproduction without men, and asked why the experts aren’t talking about this.
In this article let’s try to address some of the most common objections I’ve heard to the world without men idea over the last few years.
It’s Not Fair!
While I don’t recall any critic saying these exact words, my sense is that a lot of the rejection of the world without men concept boils down to the feeling that such a proposal just isn’t fair. Young people in particular are very concerned with social justice, inclusion and fairness in society, and a controversial proposal like a world without men seems to auto-trigger outrage in today’s woke culture.
Most people can probably go along with the idea that we’d be better off without violent men like Putin and other such psychopaths. But why do the very many peaceful men have to go, such critics will demand, they didn’t do anything. It’s not fair! And they’re right.
But the thing is, no society in history has figured out how to keep the many peaceful men while ridding itself of violent men. And so, to have peaceful men is to also have violent men. And in our time, to have violent men is to risk the complete destruction of the miracle of the modern world at any moment.
Letting that happen because we refuse to think boldly IS NOT FAIR! to our children, grandchildren, and centuries of coming descendants.
OMG, It’s Genocide!!!
This hysterical claim seems to come up quite a bit in reaction to my writing on this subject. At the first moment they hear the phrase “a world without men” quite a few critics immediately assume that I’m calling for the murder of half the human race, even though I’ve never made that proposal, repeatedly deny it, and am after all, writing about world peace.
Should such critics decide to spend more than 30 seconds evaluating this world peace plan, they could probably figure out for themselves that we don’t need to kill any men, because we can simply stop making them. More on this in a future article.
The Experts Are Against This!
As explained in this article, we often look to experts for guidance, and if they aren’t talking about a world without men we may assume that’s for a good reason. Well, maybe, and maybe not. Check out Part 6 of this article series for further discussion of our relationship with experts, and their relationship with controversial ideas.
World Peace Is Impossible?
It’s completely understandable that most people will automatically assume that world peace (defined as a radical reduction of violence) is impossible, because it’s never happened before in human history. And they may be right. It’s not unreasonable to feel that the human race will never experience the miracle of world peace.
What makes world peace sound a little more possible is the understanding that if we don’t achieve world peace, and if we don’t figure out how to liberate ourselves from violent men, then it’s only a matter of time until the violent men deliver a Biblical scale catastrophe to our civilization. After all, the technical mechanism for bringing on “the end of the world” is already in place, ready to go at any moment.
The point here is that when ever we human beings have our backs against the wall, and understand that everything we care about is at risk, we can be remarkably resourceful creatures.
Maybe the only thing making world peace impossible is the fact that we keep saying that it’s impossible? There’s a cliche for this…
Whether we think we can, or think we can’t, either way we’re probably right.
Women Will Become Violent?
Some critics claim that in a world without men women would become more violent. The idea seems to be that violence is a natural part of the human condition and if men weren’t here to do the violence, this phenomena would then seek expression in women.
What such critics seem to be missing is that the behaviors of men and women have been forged in a process going back hundreds of millions of years before we were human. So while we can’t rule out their claim being correct over some very long period of time, it doesn’t seem reasonable to claim that as soon as men were gone women would replace them as the violent evil doers.
Who Would Straight Women Date?
It’s natural for today’s straight women to wonder who they are supposed to date in a world without men. The answer is that today’s straight women don’t have to worry about that. A world without men won’t suddenly spring in to being. It’s far more likely to be an evolution than a revolution.
To those women born in to a world without men that situation will seem completely normal because they will have never known anything other than a world without men.
As example, consider how today’s young people take to the Internet like a fish takes to water, while older people sometimes struggle with this new technology. While communicating over the Internet can seem foreign and confusing to some seniors, to young people it’s the most natural and obvious thing in the world.
So for you and I, people alive today, a world without men would seem a very strange world indeed. But to those born in to a world without men it will seem completely natural.
Honestly, most of the critics I’ve encountered aren’t actually interested in the subject of world peace at all, but are instead just looking for opportunities to play the social media gotcha game. Well, I’m publishing these thoughts on the Internet, so this is to be expected. And, um, well, uh, it’s not like I’m total stranger to the gotcha game myself.
I Don’t Know Why, But I Hate This Idea!
Another significant group of critics sincerely oppose the world without men concept, but they can’t quite put their finger on why. This is understandable, because the world without men idea is way outside of the kinds of solutions we normally consider.
But there’s a reason for that. The familiar kinds of ideas that we normally consider in regards to violent men don’t work.
What Objections Do You Have?
I’m sure I’m leaving out all kinds of objections to the world without men idea which deserve to be heard. If you’re thinking of an objection that I haven’t addressed, please share it in the comments below and we can discuss it together.
I ask only this. Please keep in mind that it’s not enough to simply defeat the world without men concept. One way or another, by some method, we have to make our way to world peace (a radical reduction in violence) or we will continue a march towards a game over event which could bring an end to this civilization.
So we don’t win simply by defeating one world peace plan. We win only when we find a plan that works.
Who decides which men need to go?