“Why not hear what the crackpots have to offer?”

I think we have, haven’t we? History is filled with crackpots. You might even say that history is the story of crackpot ideas that eventually get discarded. Then we move to the next nutty notion. Or to use a biblical image: “When you leave the Garden, you’ll be mostly on your own. You’ll try all sorts of crazy ideas you think might satisfy you, but they won’t work. (I’m looking at you, Babel!) But don’t worry: When you’re tired of searching, tired of thinking that you have the wisdom & power to run this show, you’ll come back to Me. Which is great! I’ll be delighted to see you again!”

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It seems reasonable to question who the crackpots really are. Most people seem to want to dismiss the idea of world peace and complacently continue with the status quo. Sounds kinda crackpotty to me!

This is another topic (which I'd be happy to explore together) but my suspicion is that we're all going back to Him/Her whatever we choose or do while we're here. The leaves fall off the trees, and they ALL melt back in to the soil.

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