In an earlier comment I asked who would decide which men need to go. I see now that what you’re suggesting is that men die off slowly and we don’t make any more of them. … I would argue that violent men don’t need to be eliminated, they need to be humbled. Religion has the potential to instill that humility, though I realize that potential has not been realized. That said, eliminating men is the very opposite of humility. It assumes we’re far more competent than we really are.

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The question of how men might be ended is a big one, and a good one. But what I've learned is that we're not ready for that question yet. In order to be ready to take such a question seriously we need to first be convinced that a failure to achieve world peace will result in the end of everything we care about. It's only when we truly realize that the house is on fire will we be interested in plans for putting the fire out.

Maybe a world without men is not the answer, that could very well be. I've come to that suggestion only from the realization that nothing else tried for thousands of years has worked.

I agree that religion can humble and cure SOME violent men, there's clearly evidence for that. But after thousands of years of trying, no religion anywhere has brought world peace. So the horror continues. Imho, religion needs to humble itself and be realistic about what it's limitations are.

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