World Peace Is Possible - Part 13
Here are a few quick ideas for writing your own articles about a world without men.
Table Of Contents For This Article Series
Thanks dear reader for your ongoing interest in this article series about a world without men.
This shouldn’t be the only article series on the net that takes this subject this seriously (it might be so far), so I’m really hoping to encourage other writers to aim their pens at this topic. If you’d like to see that happen too, please contact your favorite authors and ask for their perspectives on this topic. If you know of people already writing on this topic, please alert us to them in the comments.
PLEASE NOTE: I’ll be happy to see articles whose purpose is to debate the arguments presented in this series. No problem, go for it! So long as we’re talking about world peace from any angle, that sounds like a good plan to me.
If you’d like to write your own articles about world peace and/or a world without men, and I hope you will consider doing so, here’s…
one quick question, and…
one quick fact…
…that might give you a place to get started. The question addresses geopolitical violence, and the fact addresses personal violence.
I’ll add my own commentary below, which you should feel to explore, question, debate or support, as you see fit.
A Question
Here’s a question which is aimed at geopolitical violence, like the war in Ukraine, or any war.
QUESTION: Is the marriage between violent men and an accelerating knowledge explosion sustainable?
As you know, the knowledge explosion continues generating ever more, ever larger powers. Today we’re seeing the emergence of artificial intelligence and genetic engineering as forces which promise to transform our world in a profound manner. And that’s just the beginning.
Think back a century to 1923. Think of all the technologies we have today that would have been beyond the imaginations of those living a century ago. You and I are in that same position today. We can’t imagine all the powerful new technologies that will emerge over the coming century, because even their inventors haven’t conceived of them yet.
Whatever these coming technologies of vast scale might turn out to be, violent men will have access to them too, just like those with good intentions.
If we continue to give power hungry psychopaths like Putin ever more, ever greater powers, how long is it going to be before they finally destroy civilization itself?
If that sounds like hysterical speculation, let us not forget, Putin already has that level of power. And scientists and engineers will be handing violent men like Putin ever more such powers as fast as they can. Artificial intelligence. Genetic engineering. And that’s just the beginning.
Is this process of providing violent men with ever greater powers sustainable? Can we keep doing this and expect to keep the miracle of the modern world?
This question can open a pandora’s box of other questions which writers can explore in their articles.
Related Questions
If it’s true that the marriage between violent men and the knowledge explosion is unsustainable…. If it’s true that a continuation of that marriage will sooner or later collapse our civilization, then….
Why are we still doing science? Who is it that we think will inherit the knowledge science is developing today?
Why are we worried about climate change? What difference will reducing C02 emissions make to a collapsed society?
Why are we educating our children? Educating them for what?
Why are we planning for the future? What future?
And so on. I’m sure you can think of your own versions of such existential questions.
The point here is that pretty much everything we care about will be determined by the the answer to the question we are examining here, which is:
QUESTION: Is the marriage between violent men and an accelerating knowledge explosion sustainable?
I’ve presented this question to as many intellectual elites as will listen. And they almost always ignore or dodge this inconvenient question, because they’re smart enough to know that if they address this issue honestly their entire career begins to look like a waste of time. And that’s not good for business.
The Fact
Here’s a fact from the World Health Organization which should blow our minds. According to the WHO…
Estimates published by WHO indicate that globally about 1 in 3 (30%) of women worldwide have been subjected to either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence in their lifetime.
It’s understandable that those of us so blessed as to have never experienced a war personally might find that subject too remote and abstract to be fully engaging. For those of us so lucky, war is something that happens on TV.
But the knowledge that women and girls we personally know have to travel their lives worrying about sexual violence is much closer to home, right? According to the WHO, thirty percent of the women and girls in the world don’t just have to worry about sexual violence, they have to experience it.
How much longer are we going to accept this sick reality? How much longer are we going to accept this suffering, and rationalize it away as being “just the way it is”?
Sure, there are laws, and police, and courts, and prisons, and victims services and the “me too” movement. All that’s great, and the more the better!
But when are we going to “man up” and face the fact that even with all these well intended responses to sexual aggression, these crimes against women are still a pervasive part of our society? When do we look ourselves in the mirror and acknowledge that as helpful as these responses can be, they just aren’t good enough. And probably never will be.
Here’s some evidence that social controls will never be enough.
The Christian religion has promoting peace and love for 2,000 years. These are overwhelmingly well intended people praying and working for world peace. But in multiple Christian denominations even such a powerful force for love as Christianity can not effectively organize itself so as to prevent their own clergy from raping children.
This is what the women and girls of the world are up against.
We do take actions to try to protect them.
But we always satisfy ourselves with far less than getting the job done.
And so the horror continues. With no end in sight.
We’ve run out of excuses for allowing this to continue.
Enough Is Enough!
It’s the purpose of this article series, and I hope your article series too, to bring in to public discussion ideas which offer at least some promise of making a truly meaningful difference in the experience of innocent women and girls. Not just more tweaking around the edges, but radical change.
It’s the purpose of this article series, and I hope your article series too, to be BLEEPING fed up with all the half measures which never actually solve the problem.
It’s the purpose of this article series, and I hope your article series too, to plot an escape from the self satisfied status quo which shows no promise of ever getting the job done.
In the end this is very simple. We find a way to get rid of violent men, or women will never be safe on this planet.
If we’re willing to accept that outcome, then we aren’t actually human after all.
Your world-without-men idea comes from a creationist mindset. In the modern scientific frame, we no longer believe in creationism by a deity, but because we do indeed solve problems by focusing on them, we have a sort of residual intelligent design intuition. You see this manifest in all sorts of top-down plans to save humanity.
Only the evolutionary perspective is truly explanatory of the human situation. Any physical or behavioral human trait you can name exists on a bell-shaped continuum. The traits influenced by testosterone are, of course, strongly concentrated in males. This includes aggression and violence. But it also includes other male predominant traits. Take the distribution in interest between the STEM professions and the more caring professions. The distributions do overlap; you’ll find women in STEM and men in social work. But the statistical correlation with sex is robust. The key is that these different human traits exist because they are evolutionarily adaptive for a highly cooperative species.
You may respond that there is nothing a man can do that a woman can’t do. But crucially, it’s not only the traits that are adaptive, it’s the population distribution of these traits that is adaptive. A world without men wouldn’t actually function.
The notion that we can address the tragedy that is the human condition by a grand redesign of society is addressed by Steven Pinker in The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature. In it he quotes the philosopher Michael Oakshott, “To try to do something which is inherently impossible is always a corrupting enterprise.”
>>1. QUESTION: Is the marriage between violent men and an accelerating knowledge explosion sustainable?
2. Why are we still doing science? Who is it that we think will inherit the knowledge science is developing today?
3. Why are we worried about climate change? What difference will reducing C02 emissions make to a collapsed society?
4. Why are we educating our children? Educating them for what?
5. Why are we planning for the future? What future?<<
1. No.
2. Science does not provide answers to the questions you’re asking, e.g. the problem of evil.
3. No difference at all. Climate change is secondary to the issues you raise.
4. Excellent question.
5. We are planning for the future & thinking about the future because at some level — a level that we may not be conscious of — we believe that future exists. We have faith that the future might be better than the past. Which, as I’ve said repeatedly, is a profoundly biblical idea:
Thank you for a great series. You’re a good writer & a thoughtful guy. We can also agree on this: the questions you raise are vastly more important than 95% of what gets published here on Substack.