NUKES: An Easy Way To Be A Nuclear Weapons Activist
Every public mention of nuclear weapons is an act of activism. Get mentioning!
The easiest thing an average person can do to help rid the world of nuclear weapons is just to talk about nuclear weapons. That is, introduce the topic in to whatever conversations we are already a part of.
The primary obstacle to saving the world from nuclear weapons is that almost our entire culture is in a state of deep denial regarding the ever present threat these weapons present to everything we care about.
Every time we mention nuclear weapons in any context we are chipping away at that denial by reminding our friends and neighbors of what they already know, but have become quite skilled at forgetting. We don’t have to write a book, run for Congress, get in to debates, spend money, become an expert, or persuade anybody of anything. All we have to do is mention nuclear weapons where ever we already go, in whatever manner we are comfortable with.
If you’re not sure how to get going, the following videos might give you a place to start. Simply post the eye catching question text, and link it to the YouTube video which provides the answer.
You can do this on your website, your Facebook page, your Twitter feed, your favorite forum, or where ever you travel on the Internet. If your posting inspires a conversation, so much the better!
Thanks so much for whatever you can do.