A Smart Move For The Democrats?
What if the Democratic presidential ticket was reversed?
Hi there subscribers, this is Phil Tanny from TannyTalk, with another one of my crazy ideas. Tell me what you think. Have I gone off the deep end again?
Well, like it or not, here in America we’re headed back in to the presidential campaign season saga shoot out slugfest scenario again. Sigh…. But anyway, while dreading the coming election season I stumbled upon an idea I wanted to hear your feedback on.
While I try to be open minded, non-partisan, and not too tribal, the Republicans have so succeeded in demolishing their credibility (with the impressive exception of Lynne Cheney!!) I can’t imagine even considering any of their candidates again, probably for the rest of my life.
So it looks like Biden will be running again, and I will be voting for him. No problem, I like Biden quite a bit, and have been generally impressed with his time in the highest office. I’m particularly impressed with his leadership on the Ukraine war.
I’m 71, and at this time in my life I can’t personally imagine being up for any job as demanding as the presidency. Not even close. I’m still very healthy, but without my afternoon nap I’m, um, well, less than fully useful. And Biden is 80, nine years older than I am.
What happens if Biden has some health problem during the campaign? Could that hand the presidency to a wacko Republican on a silver platter? Yikes.
So like a lot of people, I do have some concern about Biden’s age. I figured I’ll just have to get over that, because it’s unlikely I’ll get a better choice. But then I had my big idea. Here it is.
What if President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris switched places on the ticket in the upcoming presidential race? So, that would be Harris for President, and Biden for Vice President.
I looked it up, there isn’t a term limit on how many times you can be Vice President, such as there is for President.
Such a ticket flip would remove any concern about Biden’s age and health, while still keeping Biden’s maturity, wisdom and experience right there at the heart of power. After all, Biden has already done a good job providing just this service to another young president, Barack Obama.
I’ll admit to not being overwhelmingly impressed with Harris, but a Vice President’s job is to keep a low profile, so I don’t really know a lot about her. If Biden trusts her, and Biden is there to guide her as needed, I’ll trust Biden and go for it.
I’ll predict that the Democratic base would love this idea, though they’ll all be voting for the Democratic candidate whoever it is. Still, a creative idea like this would address many people’s legitimate concerns about Biden’s age, and help keep enthusiasm for the ticket high.
If Biden actually makes this move, I want credit for the idea, and demand to be named the Secretary Of Marijuana.
What do you think? Are there big problems with this that I haven’t considered? Let me know in the comments please. Thanks!
PS: In the interests of detached, objective, non-partisan, fair and balanced journalism, I should probably also include a photo of the most likely Republican candidate for president.
Come on. She is an ignoramus who can’t string three intelligible sentences together. He should dump her, but for obvious reasons won’t.
Why are we discussing presidential candidates two year out? This whole process is insane. For instance, our neighbor Canada holds elections within a max of a couple of months with no private money contributions. A current U.S. Presidential election costs billions and lasts for years. Could we not find another use of our time and money? Politics has become entertainment not governance.